Monday, August 14, 2006
well wad can i say my class jus rox.other then the common scoldings from miss bala we have alot of funs.after this year im sure ill miss everyone .well the top 9 ppl i would miss would be:
1)brandon:this blur guy has been with me since p1 and he has nvr let me down.always cheerful he helps me iin my time of need.
2)zhikang:i have known him since p2.i met him when a girl in my p2 class told me he was harrasing her and asked me to was real funny cos i escaped easily when they ran after me.but over the years we have became very close and he has became my good fren ever since.
3)ashwath:always funny ashwath can cheer anyone up.he is a very gd fren and has always been there in my time of need. he is also a great soccer player.
4)boon kiong:i met boon kiong last year and i and him have been gd frens ever since.always funny, boon kiong has helped me alot in my time of need.he never stops making me laugh.
5)amiir:this funny guy has always been loyal to me.he has helped me alot and we have shared alot of jokes together.a skillful goalkeeper he is now the best 1 in 6B. 6)arfian:this guy is a maple freak.he quited maple for a while n started playing diablo but he soon got back again.he is also a great n loyal friend but he may sometimes betray u. 7) joed:i have known him since k2.he is very funny.always not doing h.w. he plaes maple too. he is joan's "son". he is also a great n loyal friend. 8)wang da : he is super funny.he is 'pruut' damn power .a great friend he has been there for me in time of need. 9)karen: i met her in p3.she is loyal but can be violent.very irritatin sometimes she can also be very fun,unlike joan who is a fun spoiler. she is loyal and a great friend. but tt doesnt mean i will not like the rest of the class.i will miss them all also.
scored this goal at 4:45 AM